Adam Duncan

Software Engineer
London, UK


I’m a front-end developer with 15 years’ experience, keen to work on a wide range of projects, and deepen my understanding of modern web technologies. I’m passionate about design and technology, and excited to be part of an industry that’s constantly evolving.


Senior Software Engineer at Shopify



BA, Multimedia Design
Curtin University of Technology
Perth, Australia
2006 – 2008

Pet projects

  • JamRoll — A new daily game for music buffs.
  • @FrontEndReads — Links on front-end development and design.
  • eleventy-plugin-i18n (2020) — Eleventy internationalization and dictionary translations.
  • (2016) — A collection of accessible, modern front-end components.


Recent reads

  1. Why I Write
    Why I Write
    George Orwell
  2. The Goldfinch
    The Goldfinch
    Donna Tartt
  3. The Lessons of History
  4. A Philosophy of Software Design

Recent listens

  1. Soft Action
    Other Half
  2. MTV Unplugged In New York
  3. The Presidents of The United States of America: Ten Year Super Bonus Special Anniversary Edition
  4. Spotify Sessions
    Vampire Weekend
  5. Live at Levitation
    Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

Recent gigs

  1. TV On The Radio
    TV On The Radio
    Islington Assembly Hall
  2. Vampire Weekend
    Vampire Weekend
    Brixton Academy
  3. Cola
    The Dome
  4. Three Trapped Tigers
    Three Trapped Tigers
    Electric Ballroom
  5. Russian Circles


  1. Adam Silver
  2. Bytes
  3. Design Systems Weekly
  4. Frontend Focus
  6. Human Who Codes
  7. It’s Nice That
  8. Josh W. Comeau
  9. Julian Shapiro
  10. Kent C. Dodds
  11. Matthias Ott
  12. Remix
  13. Robin Rendle
  14. Robin Sloan
  16. The Index
  17. The Overflow
  18. Total TypeScript

A non-exhaustive list of the newsletters that keep me going. Thanks all.


  • This page achieves a carbon rating of B, cleaner than 80% of all web pages globally.
  • 630.69km run so far this year. That’s 1.57% around the world.
  • Starred 530 projects on GitHub. Just think of the node_modules.
  • Estimated stay in London: 2 years. Actual: 14 years and counting (sorry, Mum).
  • Longest word on Spelling Bee: Annihilation.


Text is set in National 2, from the choice Klim Type Foundry. This site is built with One and automatically deployed to Netlify. Life data pulled in from Spotify, Hardcover, Instapaper, GitHub, Strava, and Website Carbon Calculator.